How To Support A Friend During A Difficult Time?


I have a friend who is in an unhealthy relationship. She has made the mistake of sharing some of the hurtful and emotionally abusive things her "on-again-off-again" boyfriend has done. It is really difficult to sit by and support her going back to him again and again after her confiding in me how bad he is for her. What can/should I do?




I know sometimes it can be hard to support a friend when they are making choices that are not in their best interest. The reality is, it can take going back and forth many times before someone ultimately leaves an emotionally abusive relationship. There are many reasons people stay in unhealthy relationships. These patterns are usually deep-rooted in dynamics from one's family of origin and require therapy to break free from them.

I may ask your friend why she keeps going back? She may be afraid to be alone or she may not feel good about herself and believe on some level that she deserves to be treated that way.

I would also ask yourself what comes up for you when she keeps going back? It sounds like you are investing a lot emotionally, listening, and perhaps advising her. Perhaps you feel like you have no control over the situation? It could be reminding you of another situation that you invested a lot of time in that you couldn't change?

If you find that it is too hard for you to listen to stories about her being mistreated, I would just be honest, and let her know that. Only listen when you are in 

the space to do so; it is important to be aware of your own needs and limitations.

The reality is, we can't change other people and that might bring up feelings of helplessness. We can't truly understand or judge someone's situation unless we walk a mile in their moccasins. If you deal with your own emotions, that may help you to listen with an open heart and just be there for her.

With Love,



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