Worried About Daughter's Symptoms


I'm concerned about my teenage daughter's mental health since she has been learning virtually all these months. She recently developed a tic. It looks like Tourette's syndrome. Suddenly out of nowhere, she will shudder loudly as if she just caught a cold breeze. Sometimes she jerks her head and neck too. At first, I thought it was for attention, but now I can see that it's involuntary, and she can't help it. It seems to get worse when she's stressed about schoolwork or when she's out with friends, which is very little these days.

Should I worry about this new symptom? Is there something I can do to help her deal with it, or should I just ignore it? Will it go away eventually?




I am sorry to hear your daughter has developed a tic. I would recommend taking her to the doctor to rule out a medical problem. The Tourette Association of America has a wealth of information and a list of providers in Connecticut. https://tourette.org/find-a-provider/

We can have various reactions to stress. In my experience, this type of reaction isn’t permanent. However, it is important to learn how to regulate your nervous system so that you can bring your body back to equilibrium after a stress response.

The iChill is a free app developed by Elaine Miller, a trauma specialist. It is a great resource to help anyone navigate stress and feel more at peace.

www.ichillapp.com I hope your daughter feels better soon!



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