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Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Aging that You Wish Someone
Had Told You

by Sherry D’Elia

This is the perfect little book to bring knowledge, levity, and acceptance about getting older for women of all ages. Funny one-liners about aging, like "Your boobs and your butt drop lower than the stock market during a recession," are brought to life by perfect photos to help illustrate the inevitable things that happen to all of us. Sherry provides tips throughout the book that can be funny or practical; either way, your attitude about aging will improve. This book truly makes you laugh out loud!

If you are looking for a gift for your girlfriend who hasn't begun to show signs of aging, she will laugh and cry as she reads about what lies ahead. It is fun to read for those who are in the middle of experiencing all the changes and those who have already reached their golden years.

Sherry's message is about self-acceptance, no matter how old you are. She writes, "Just like everything else, aging has its positives and negatives. You can shout, pout, or enjoy the ride with good friends!" You won't regret sharing this book with your friends. After all, laughing and connecting with those you love is the best medicine!

Healing Support

Healing Waters

The Enlightened healing water was created for me by Michelle Giliberto of Healers Who Share.

This Healing water is specifically designed to align a person with their divine nature, true essence, the ability to be both grounded and connected, noticing the opportunities available, and accessing innate abilities to go within and heal. 

What are healing waters?

Healing waters work by harnessing the unique properties of water to promote wellness and balance within the body. Water has a remarkable ability to hold and transmit vibrations, which makes it an excellent delivery vehicle for the healing energies of various substances and therapies.

Through the use of proprietary radionics machines, water can be imprinted with specific vibrations that are tailored to an individual's unique needs. This allows the body to easily integrate and utilize the healing vibrations without the need for processing chemicals or other substances.

Water is also an ideal medium for conducting energy, which means that it can amplify the healing effects of certain therapies, such as acupuncture and energy healing. By working in harmony with the body's natural systems, healing waters can help to restore balance, promote wellness, and enhance overall vitality.

If you would like more information about healing waters please visit https://healerswhoshare.com/our-process/

To purchase Enlightened please email or call Healers Who Share at
orders@healerswhoshare.com or 303-428-4584.

Ocean Vibes Journal

This beautifully composed journal features original watercolor paintings inspired by the ocean from artist Jennifer Faye Colombo. Jen's intention is to provide soul nourishing art experiences through her work. In this journal, you'll find pages ready to be filled with whatever your heart seeks to express. If desired, allow the art to serve as the inspiration for your unique journey.

Holographic Memory Resolution Audio

Holographic Memory Resolution (HMR) is a mind-body technique based on guided imagery. You recall the actual or visceral painful memory and then recreate the narrative in your mind’s eye.

HMR can help you to:

  • Live more in the present with peace and joy

  • Align your head and heart to help influence your behavior in a positive way

  • Live pain-free

  • Access your emotions

  • Move forward in life

It incorporates both a verbal and nervous system component, allowing quick access and release of the cellular memory of painful events stored in our bodies.

HMR has also proven to be very useful for people who:

  • are prevented from fully living in the present due to past painful or traumatic experiences

  • rationally know what is best for them, but despite their knowledge, they continue to think, feel, and/or

    behave in ways that have negative influences on themselves and others

  • are suffering from physical pain that is stress-related, or the pain does not appear to have a medical explanation

  • are having difficulty accessing their emotions

  • are not progressing using other therapeutic methods

Trauma Resiliency Model Audio

The Trauma Resiliency Model is a healing technique that allows people to release physical and emotional pain in the body.  

What I love about The Trauma Resiliency Model is that you do not need to have any memory of your trauma or painful experience to release it. You can simply tune into your body and notice where you might feel pain, pressure, or tension. You identify a holographic image and then explore, track, and influence this image in your mind's eye through various prompts and notice what is happening in your body as you do so. Through The Trauma Resiliency Model:

  • Gently access pain and trauma stored in the body. 

  • Release acute and chronic physical pain.

  • Positively influence thought patterns and decrease emotional reactivity.