How do I cultivate patience? I find that I always have a hard time waiting.

Thank you.



The way to cultivate patience is to recognize that there is a natural flow in the universe. You can’t speed it up, and you can’t slow it down. Everything happens as it should.

Did you ever have a day where everything fell into place? You were able to make an appointment easily, or you were finally able to reach someone after having tried many times in the past? Perhaps you were able to walk into a restaurant without a reservation and be seated right away on a busy night, or you found the perfect parking space? Maybe you easily landed the perfect job or found the ideal house. This is because you were in the flow with the universe.

I am sure you have had days where nothing went right, or you couldn’t get anything done? We all have had moments when we were waiting on someone or something? If it is one of those days that I am trying to get something done, and it isn’t working for whatever reason, I have learned to stop, trust it will get done, and try another day.

If I am driving and find myself getting frustrated because the car in front of me is going too slow, I might turn on the music, relax, and accept that I am not going to go any faster. If I am waiting for someone, I might occupy my time doing something else that I haven’t had time to get done, like clearing out my emails or organizing something in the house. I may sit and read or just relax and enjoy the moment.

If you are struggling with being patient, you can also ask yourself what is the worst that can happen if something doesn’t occur in the timeframe you were hoping for? You might want to assess the situation and see if you are being realistic, and then adjust your expectations. Perhaps you can think back to a time when you waited, what seemed like forever, and things worked out for the best.

If you notice there is a pattern with the types of things that are trying your patience, ask yourself what am I supposed to learn? For example, if you always have someone driving too slow in front of you, maybe you are supposed to learn to slow down in life? If you find that people constantly leave you waiting, perhaps you are supposed to learn how to be alone?

Whatever it is, that you are struggling to be patient about, trust the divine timing of the universe. Everything does happen in the perfect time, space, and sequence, always for your highest good.




Starting A New Chapter


Lost and Confused Genuine Guy