How Do I Stop My Online Shopping?
My online shopping is out of control. So how do I stop spending?
It truly is amazing how easy it is to buy almost anything online! That being said, I know you are not alone with this problem as compulsive buying is very common.
I would encourage you to try these things:
Notice what drives you to purchase something. Anything we do excessively is our attempt to fill a void inside us, whether it is compulsive eating, drinking, using our phones, working, exercising, etc. Meditate, journal, talk to a friend about what is going on. Maybe you are feeling lonely and trying to fill yourself up with stuff? Maybe you are afraid, so you are constantly in search of something to comfort you? Once you connect with yourself, you won’t need to shop or do any of these things to make you feel better. You will naturally ease up on this behavior.
Ask yourself if you really need it? Pausing for a minute can help with the impulse to buy.
Make a list of the items and their cost. This helps you be more mindful of the money you are spending and can help deter you from buying something.
Put your money immediately in a savings account that isn’t easy to access, and pay your bills right when you get paid. Then, leave yourself with an amount each pay period that you are comfortable spending.
Get rid of or lower the limit on your credit card.
Replace online shopping with another activity. Perhaps scrapbooking, exercise or cooking. Maybe you can even invest some time in selling the things you bought on eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or other online retailers to recoup some of your money?
As your mental health improves, so will your compulsive spending. Use these strategies to track your progress. Then, be easy on yourself and celebrate the wins! Behavior doesn’t change in a straight line. It might appear that you take two steps forward and one step back, but every time you struggle, it provides an opportunity to explore more deeply what is going on inside of you to help you heal and create lasting change!
Admitting your problem is a big step.
You’ve got this!
❤️ Sherry