What Makes A Person Jealous?
Why do I get jealous sometimes of what certain people accomplish or are doing and not others?
What a great question!
Jealousy can depend on your perception of a person and how significant their accomplishment is or what they are doing.
If something amazing is happening for someone that you feel is less fortunate than you, it is less likely that you will feel jealous because you may feel bad for them. On the other hand, if you are struggling to create something in your life and it isn’t working out for you, that might trigger a sense of jealousy. A good example that illustrates this is how you might feel when hearing the news someone is pregnant. Most people feel so joyful about the news of a baby coming into the world, but if you are struggling to get pregnant, you might be jealous.
Typically jealousy occurs when someone’s accomplishment is tapping into something you long for and may lack confidence in your ability to achieve it. Personally, I feel jealous of others who seem to have an easy time putting their messages out in the world, as that can be hard for me. However, the more I work on myself and stay focused on my life, the less envious I feel.
How do you respond when you hear about someone’s vacation plans? This is an excellent example of whether or not you would get jealous of others. If you recently went on vacation, have a vacation planned, or don’t care much about travel, you are much more likely to be excited for your friend about their upcoming trip. On the other hand, if you haven’t been away in years because of your finances or other reasons and are dying to go away, it may be harder to genuinely feel happy for someone.
How you experience everything provides an opportunity to learn about yourself. The universe and how you respond in your environment is truly a window to your soul. With insight, you can identify and process your feelings and/or take steps forward to create the life you want. Continue to look within, not outside yourself. If you are happy with yourself and where you are, you will not feel jealous of others, as our natural state is one of love.
I wish you the confidence to achieve everything your heart desires!